1. Login Simple Gmail Notes and Simple Mobile CRM
2. Open an email in www.gmail.com
3. Click the ‘share’ icon in SGN toolbar.
5. Enter opportunity detail.
2. Open CRM app
3. Login using CRM Google account
4. Click the ’email’ tab
5. Click ’email’ tab and any email row to add the notes
6. (optional) You could set up ‘Auto import new emails’ in preferences for auto pulling of incoming CRM related emails. The setting is only effective when the mobile app is logged in.
1. View SGN notes in official Gmail App
2. Open an email in Gmail
3. Write note in the text input
4. Click ‘submit’ button after input is done
2. Open an email in Gmail app
3. Write note in the text input
4. Click ‘submit’ button after input is done

The notes for all platforms are linked up, you could always write a note in one platform, and read it from another platform.