How to view notes in official
Gmail app (iOS and Android)?
1. In the right sidebar of Gmail page, click '+' to open Google Workspace Marketplace, search 'Simple Mobile CRM', and click 'Install'. When the add-on is installed on the website, it will automatically show up in the Google Gmail app as well.
2. Click 'Authorize Access', Click login button.
2. Type anything and click submit
3. Click project name to see related notes, i.e. notes of same contacts.
3. Click contact name to see the contact information in detail
3. click 'more actions' to view email detail, here you could update the note or change related project.
View / Edit note on Gmail App
After CRM add-on installation on desktop, it's automatically available in the Gmail app (iOS and Android) as well.
If the Gmail Addon is just installed, you may need to restart the Gmail app to see it.
Open any email, pull to the bottom of the screen and click the Simple Mobile CRM icon to see the corresponding note, or add a new one.
Submit notes to CRM add-on from Simple Gmail Notes
In SGN, you could submit notes to CRM via the 'share to CRM' icon.
All CRM notes are available in both CRM mobile app and CRM Gmail add-on.
Please log in to Simple Mobile CRM desktop and access the settings for 'Automatically poll new notes from SGN when mobile app is logged in' to enable automatic syncing of notes to the Gmail App.
Next, open the Gmail App, go to the details of an email, scroll to the bottom of the interface, and click on the Simple Mobile CRM add-on icon to view the notes written on the computer.
If you want to see which emails have notes in the Gmail app list, you can integrate with Zapier to automatically add a label to emails that have notes.
Limitation of Gmail add-on
Due to the nature of Gmail add-on limitations, the CRM may not work as expected in the following cases:
1. When the email is marked as 'promotion' by Google, the Gmail add-on cannot be turned on.
2. If the email is in the 'SENT' folder, the contacts information cannot be collected by the Gmail add-on.